Chemical Mixtures and cleaning by Arianna

Arianna Rose Stegmeier

Gateway Community College

English 101


Due Date 12/09/2022

  One of the examples that make the concept of learning chemistry easy are the experiments that help to actually visualize the work that is to be had. What makes it hard is the math that is associated with the work. The reason for the easy part is because it helps to have a visual aid when performing an experiment in the lab that can also tie into your work. For the hard part it’s just difficult for me personally to connect with math especially in other subjects like science. Its very easy when going by the book learning because you always have that information available like in biology. Chemistry is less by the book since it has equations that you need to work out. That is another hard ting about the science for chemistry is that it won’t just follow just by the book science either equations just  like there is in math. Chemistry is also difficult in the aspect of memorization. There are many equations, symbols, and formulas that you have to memorize if you want to have a easy time with chemistry. This can be a challenging task for some especially with the amount that needs to be memorized. There are ways to find some of these though it is recommended to instead memorize. 

     Science may not seem like a large part of our lives or society. This was what I had believed until our discussions in class and having to write this blog. I was very unaware of science in my life, its not a thought that comes to people since its not something people connect with science. People think science is something complicated like creating chemicals, fighting diseases, though it can be simple. When having to recognize how science affects daily life the effects become more and more obvious. Science is a very large part of our lives. This is something I noticed personally, an example would be a visit to the doctors for an x-ray. This would us a certain kind of science being mostly biology. Though every aspect of science can be seen, weather it be geology, chemistry, physics, medicine it is a daily occurrence in our lives no matter how small it is. Though many are not aware of science, and it is not a thought that commonly crosses the mind. A Year of Life Science in 3 Minutes - YouTube

     I think that seems to keep people from understanding science or chemistry is the lack of them being able to relate to it. Many do not see how Chemistry is a daily factor in life or how it affects your life. Even if those factors may seem quite obvious to others, many don’t see it. This could be because it’s not brought up from a young age and many do not get interested in the topic of chemistry till they are older, making it much more difficult to learn the topic. If we were to possibly introduce the topic of chemistry at a younger age, it would be easier for them to understand, especially as the years go by, and they keep learning and building on that topic. This is especially true, since it has been proven that children are faster learners than adults since they are able to make faster  neural connections, this is because their brains are still developing. Therefore an older group of people, even if they are at the age of 18 or 19 may have a harder time learning the topics, since their brains are almost fully developed and their neural connections are not as strong.Learning Science In primary & Secondary Schools - School Software ProWhat to Do if You Are Failing Chemistry

    Some of the ways to make the topic of science easier to understand are by connecting it to real life situations. So the topic of chemistry can be seen throughout our daily lives, since thinking of our own lives is something easy to relate to. One of these examples that we use every single day is clean. Whether it’s the floors, the counters, the cabinets, any cleaning products that are used to do intensely with chemistry. Cleaning is rooted in chemistry, as the chemical properties of different substances make them suitable for cleaning hard surfaces, floors, upholstery, clothing, and other items. You can even make your own cleaning supplies with the work of chemistry. Homemade cleaning products can be less toxic, and most of the material you would need are common household products. White vinegar and lemon juice is acidic and neutralizes alkaline substances. One other example of chemicals with cleaning is Baking soda neutralizing acid-based odors in water. One of the ways cleaning and chemistry relate is through chemical mixtures. Science Based DIY Cleaning Guide - Safe & Proper Use of Natural Cleaning  ProductsCleaning with Vinegar: A Science Investigation – Thoughtfully Sustainable

The topic that can most relate to life that was taught by Mike is chemical mixture. A chemical mixture can be defined as a material made up of two or more different chemical substances which are not chemically bonded. The properties of a mixture are, components can be easily separated, components each keep their original properties, proportion of the components is variable. Sometimes combining substances can cause a chemical reaction as well as bonding that creates an entirely new substance called a compound. Though sometimes there is  not a  chemical  reaction or bonding. In this case, a mixture is formed from the combined substances. The daily chemicals we use all contain substances called surfactants or surface active materials. They reduce the surface tension between water and grease so that the two can mix, water can get a hold of the grease and wash it away.  There are different kinds of chemical mixtures such as, heterogeneous mixture, and homogeneous mixture are constant. Though the two have quite different properties, the heterogeneous mixture varies within the sample (oil and water), while the homogeneous mixture is constant (salt solution). There are many cleaning supplies that align with these mixtures. Example for homogeneous Saltas a cleaner,  salt mixtures are used to remove yellowing, clean tarnish, remove lipstick, get rid of mold and can work as a drain cleaner. For the heterogeneous mixture a good cleaning chemical mixture would be pine sol and water.What is a Mixture? - Definition, Properties, Examples & Types with VideosSolution Definition in Chemistry

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